3 Major Rules of Ethical Recruitment in Tech

Photo by Los Muertos Crew from Pexels

There’s a constant pursuit to build and develop relationships with software developers on the lookout for job change in the tech recruitment process. Like every other industry, there are rules guiding the recruitment process in tech coupled with ethical standards that must be upheld in the entire recruitment process.

Rule 1: Ethical Alignment

This occurs when individuals working with your company understand entirely what is or what is not going on. To avoid discrimination in the hiring process for your company, you have to, first of all, clearly outline what your company stands for, its ideals, and what the leadership considers as ethical. Once this has been clearly outlined, the human resource department must clearly state and appropriately communicate the expected standards amongst all hiring teams.

One of the easiest ways to fully comprehend ethics is to send team questionnaires out and ask employees about their exact responses in different situations. The results generated from this will give you the needed insight into the differences in the ideals of each employee as opposed to the standards of the company. This way, you intimate your recruits about the entire hiring process and your company.

Rule 2: Ethical approach on passive tech candidates

The tech market is a very competitive one, and as such, companies get to constantly attract tech talents from other companies. Whether this would be termed as good or bad will depend on the ethics binding such. Poaching is a concept which talks about a situation where potential employees leave their current place of work for their company’s competitor although without an active expression of interest in joining the new company. From a different perspective, although a candidate’s loyalty to their current employer is laudable, it is not required. Companies can only do well to ensure that their human assets are adequately protected by utilizing a strong retention program. When an employee then chooses to leave, allow them the right to make their own decision.

A strong retention program put in place by a company should make the employees well incorporated into the company’s structure and make them aware of the contributions they are making towards achieving the company’s common goal. A recruiter is allowed to contact passive candidates and intimate them with job openings in the company. It’s now left to the candidate to respond or not.

Rule 3:  Lack of communication with candidates

Asides from poaching candidates and running thorough checks on the ethics guiding your company, make sure you also pay special attention to possible unethical conduct. One of which is failure to communicate with candidates who are currently not considered promising for the current job opening. Suppose software developers sense that they are not being respected, especially by a particular company. In that case, words about it could spread fast in the development community, thereby earning your company a bad reputation. Software developers form a cohesive community where they discuss the problems/challenges their members face in their respective companies. This is why you need to be a listener and create a specialized community where different topics can be discussed to help developers advance their careers.