7 Recruiting Trends to Watch in 2022

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Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko from Pexels

In the recent decade, the recruitment sector has seen a significant shift. Some of these changes have been slow, while others have happened quickly. Because of technological advances, the employment process has been fundamentally altered. New recruiting patterns are expected to emerge in the next decade due to this ongoing upheaval.

One may see their effect on the market in the bulk of these main recruiting trends. Employers and employment agencies are under increasing pressure to be the best at finding top talent as these developments take hold.

When it comes to hiring, the change from paper resumes to a focus on skill evaluation is obvious. Since the Coronavirus pandemic, phone screenings have been a thing of the past. Instead, virtual interviews are taking form.

Even if you remain in the same role as a recruiter for the next five years, the nature of your work will change. A new set of skills, tools, and analytics will be required if you want to keep up. Here are seven trends to look out for in the recruiting market in 2022 to help you gain a clearer picture of how to take advantage of future changes:

1. Candidate experience that is persuading

After spending a lot of work on the user experience, many agencies forget about the applicant experience. Your prospects’ long-term retention chances are heavily influenced by the initial impressions you give them.

Today’s job seekers are looking for more than just a salary, and no matter how desperate they are for work, their initial impressions of the recruiting process will determine whether or not they break or give their best to the firm in the long term.

According to a recent survey, jobseekers are continuously on the lookout for a simple application and interview procedure. As a result, many of them choose to utilize a job site that answers their queries and connects them to appropriate positions.

2. Working from home

Policies encouraging employees to work from home are becoming more common as a means of limiting the spread of the Coronavirus. On the other hand, researchers believe that individuals will continue to work from home long after COVID-19 has ended.

Candidates will welcome the opportunity to work outside rigid timetables. Therefore employers must make the necessary adjustments. It’s still common for firms to let their workers work from home, even after the economy has been reopened in several areas of the globe.

As a result of this development, businesses now have greater access to global talent without the restrictions imposed by geographical borders. Thus, we see a surge in collaboration tools and software that make remote work more convenient. ‘

3. Social media is a great way to find new talent.

We may expect that social media recruitment will soon become the standard, given there are now 3.6 billion active monthly users. Recruiters will leverage popular social media sites like Facebook and Twitter to attract the attention of job seekers, given the rise in mobile use and the on-the-go interactions that social media provides.

Users of popular social media platforms such as Facebook may now use the ‘jobs near me’ function to look for and apply for jobs in their local area.

You may have seen a few videos, recruiting hashtags, and eye-catching material on social media as part of recruitment marketing in the early years of the next decade. This is a great approach to attracting new employees as part of a marketing plan.

The utilization of podcasts is one of the most recent techniques used by businesses. Even though podcasting has been around for some time, its popularity has recently exploded. In addition to promoting their brand, companies utilize this channel for recruiting new employees.

4. Artificial Intelligence (AI) advancements in recruiting (AI)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be the most influential development in the recruiting process through 2021 and beyond.

The recruiting sector has reaped the benefits of automation and artificial intelligence advancements. As a result, we should not be surprised if the industry continues to develop in the future.

One of the most time-consuming parts of the hiring process is screening prospective applicants. With the help of AI, recruiters will be able to take a backseat and automate a large portion of their labor.

Aside from that, AI may be used to minimize interview bias, communicate with applicants through chatbots, filter candidates based on particular needs, and evaluate them based on video interview replies.

The use of natural language processing (NLP) techniques in the recruiting process is a wonderful innovation. With the use of chatbot technology, the tool is able to communicate directly with applicants.

NLP is also coupled with speech recognition software so that the audio interviews may be analyzed and reviewed quickly.

Even yet, it’s important to remember that artificial intelligence (AI) may be influenced by human prejudices. Organizations interested in employing it should make certain that the system is built using algorithms that adhere to anti-bias rules made by the authorities.

5. Soft skills

The importance of soft skills will continue to rise in the years to come, even though they aren’t often taken into account during standard recruiting procedures. LinkedIn found that 89% of terrible recruits lacked fundamental soft skills, such as teamwork and creativity and the capacity to change direction, persuasion, and time management.

In the past, recruiters had difficulty seeing these kinds of abilities in job candidates. As a result, the evaluation method must be changed to focus on soft talents and hard ones. Several behavioral and ethical challenges will be of interest to recruiters.

6. Predictive analytics

Recruitment firms and businesses depend on data to find, interview, and evaluate potential employees. This implies that they need to have precise data and clear analytics available to achieve greater outcomes.

Diverse technologies employ recommender systems and predictive analytics to locate excellent candidates utilizing different characteristics such as education, prior education, relationship network, and geography to help select the best in the market.

Using predictive analytics, recruiters may detect who is most likely to apply for a position and who isn’t actively looking for a new one.

Future projections are based on past facts. Traditional data analysis simply tells you “what” and “why,” but predictive analysis software is a major advantage for firms trying to hire the finest workers.

7. Shifting to project-based hiring

Project-based recruiting is a rising trend for firms looking for new employees; however, it is not a new concept. Tech companies and other creative businesses are the most likely to see this trend take hold.

Instead of hiring a full-time employee with a wide range of duties, organizations rely on contractors that specialize in a certain field.

It’s just a matter of time until remote working becomes the new normal for many businesses throughout the globe. Finding a specialist in a certain sector for a current project seems like a wonderful idea whenever that project demands further knowledge.

When the project is completed, their contract will be terminated. As a result, businesses can work with a wider range of professionals and avoid paying for each one separately.


In 2022 and beyond, technological advances will substantially influence the recruiting process. To avoid falling behind, staffing firms must evolve with the times and begin using the strategies outlined in this piece. Humans will always have a role in the recruiting process, no matter how much technology advances.

Interpersonal contact is still an important element of the recruiting process. Thus applicants are looking for human connection. It doesn’t matter if there has been no previous interaction between an applicant and a recruiter; they may still provide additional information about the position and what it requires.