4 Tips and Tricks to Develop a Tech-Savvy Workforce

photo by People Creations

Having a tech-savvy business is vital in this digital age. With more people flocking to tech-friendly businesses, keeping your business at the forefront of employees’ attention can be difficult. Nowadays, potential employees are directly influenced by a company’s emerging technologies. A recent study showed that 40% of their respondents had quit a previous position because they did not have the latest digital tools at their disposal. To have your business remain competitive, attract the best candidates, and be at the forefront of innovation, then you will have to have a tech-savvy office heading into the future.

Strategies for having a tech-savvy workforce

·        Lunch and Learn: The name and meaning are essentially the same things. It’s an informal environment where colleagues can come together to learn a certain skill set. In this instance, it allows your employees to learn in a more relaxed environment, which has been shown to be more effective when it comes to learning and can be very effective for building a tech-savvy workforce. You can have lunch catered for your employees or ask them to bring their own lunches but be sure to schedule a monthly tech-driven informal training session by providing tutorials and practice tips on the latest technology to update your employees.

·        Security Investments: Did you know that 40% of cyber security breaches are caused by internal employees? Because of this, it’s important to stay updated with the latest cyber security tech and make sure that your employees are familiar with keeping themselves safe in a shared online space. Having your IT team come in and teach your employees the correct protocols could help you avoid potential cyber risks. This should be done at least every 3 months.

·        Trends Training: Trends come and go fairly regularly, so it’s to be expected that not even your most tech knowledgeable employee will be constantly informed of what’s currently in trend. This is especially seen in training trends. It’s important to make sure that your training is constantly evolving to include all the latest tech solutions, or else you will quickly fall out of date with things. It helps to keep a close eye on your industry’s trends and allocate funds so you may train the appropriate staff on these new trends.

·        Go with Gamification: Everybody loves a good game to help keep you occupied. This is why more companies have been moving towards gamification as a fun and engaging way of training their employees. It has been found that gamification is an effective way to increase your employees’ adoption and participation. Make sure you do the necessary market research, create an appropriate budget for your company, and you’ll be well on your way to having a tech-savvy workforce.

If you implement these strategies, you are sure to help your business develop a tech-savvy workforce that will guarantee future success, streamline your productivity and attract talent with the appropriate skill sets, an affinity for tech, and experience.