How to Navigate the 7 Recruitment Stages

Photo by Yan Krukov from Pexels

According to research, the average time it takes to hire a new employee is 23.7 days. After the Great Resignation, many organizations realized that they needed a more effective schedule to acquire outstanding personnel before they were no longer available on the market.

One approach to achieve this is to analyze all phases of the recruiting process and find areas for improvement. Continue reading to find out which step needs to be tweaked.

1. Understanding Job Requirements

The first step in a successful hiring procedure is to investigate and ascertain all job specifications and details thoroughly. If you can, talk to hiring managers and other HR members to determine what is expected of you in this role so that you can express it in your job description and interviews.

This is one of the most important steps in the recruiting process. You may not find the ideal person for the job if you don’t get the specifics or specifications correct.

Determine three major employment characteristics to ensure you’re on the proper road in this initial stage:

Experience – Education – Qualifications

You may compose the job description when you’ve identified the necessary qualifications. So that you can attract the right person, you must make sure that this information is correct.

You’ll take into account things like:

  • The company name
  • Type of job
  • Job title
  • Job duties
  • Number of open positions
  • Employment status (full-time vs. part-time)
  • Specific skills required
  • Experience
  • Education
  • Benefits
  • Salary structure

As the first thing, a candidate will see, make sure your job description is polished before putting it out there. As a result, you should take your time crafting the job description and providing as much detail as possible. The rest of the recruiting process will be successful because it will attract suitable candidates.

2. Start Searching for the Right Candidates

With your plan and approach in place, it’s time to search for applicants. It’s important to have a solid sourcing strategy before implementing this phase. Job boards are often the first stop for many recruiters, who post an open position and wait for individuals to apply. However, you’ll also have to go beyond the box and look for possibilities elsewhere.

Because most qualified job seekers are actively looking for work when they use job boards, however, passive job seekers make up about 70% of the worldwide workforce. A search engine powered by artificial intelligence (AI) can help you locate the best applicant for your new role at precisely this point.

Your talent pool, social media platforms like LinkedIn and TikTok, and other networking events like job fairs are all possible.

3. Recruit Applicants

You’ll also have to convince potential applicants to apply for the position after you begin your search. Employer branding is one approach to do this.

92% of applicants stated they would consider changing jobs if the organization had a good reputation. In addition, having a strong employer brand may cut your cost per recruit by 50% since it’s simpler to persuade new employees to join your team.

Before applying or interviewing, candidates will do research on your organization. They’ll read what other employees say about your organization on review sites like Glassdoor. If your employer brand begins going in the wrong direction, you need to address it right now.

4. Screen Candidates

You’ll need to begin the screening process after you have a sufficient number of candidates interested in the job. Here, you begin to narrow down the pool of potential candidates.

Ask a select group of candidates who you believe would be outstanding candidates for this role to participate in a 15- to 30-minute interview or phone call.

While a screening interview might add time to your overall interview process, it is an excellent way to determine whether or not a candidate is being truthful on their résumé. During this time, you may also utilize it to learn about a candidate’s soft talents and the story that their résumé can’t convey.

Send the most qualified candidates to speak with the recruiting manager at this stage.

5. Interview Process

After that, you’ll be able to concentrate on the interview procedure. As soon as you get a screening phone call, you may begin this process, which should be completed swiftly.

There are only approximately ten days on the job market for outstanding candidates, so you don’t want to waste any time in the interview process.

Automated interview scheduling systems may help you save time during this phase. This will save time spent asking applicants when they are available for interviews. As a result, the applicant will be able to choose the most convenient time for them.

Offering slots at lunch or after usual business hours is a good idea. Candidates that already have a job will be able to interview because of this availability.

6. Hiring

You’ll be able to make a selection on the final application for a position when the interview process is complete. In order to find the best match, you’ll need to consult with other departments and the hiring manager so that you can make an informed conclusion.

Reach out to the applicant after you’ve made a final decision and offer them the job. Are you sending your job offer? Be sure to include all pertinent information, including work hours, benefits, pay, and onboarding paperwork.

You’ll have to decide what you’re willing to negotiate and what you’re not before many applications come back to attempt to bargain with you.

Once the applicant accepts the job offer and all conditions, you must notify the remaining applicants that they did not cut. Even if some recruiters may be tempted, you should send an email to the applicants and explain why they didn’t get the job offer.

Adding them to your talent pool may seem like additional work, but it will be well worth the time and effort if they are excellent prospects. Try to keep in touch with them and see whether they’d be a good match for a new role in the future.

7. Onboarding

The last step in this process is onboarding. However, some recruiters may be tempted to skip it.

On the other hand, proper onboarding is critical if you want to make sure that the person you recruited has a long and fruitful career with your firm. If the company’s initial impression is positive, they will be more likely to accept the job offer.

In order to get them up – and – running, give them a tour of the firm, introduce them to their colleagues, and make sure they have all the essential equipment and access to systems they’ll need to do their duties.

Human resources (HR) play a critical part in shaping the corporate culture, so recruiters should take the time to sit down with new employees and address any issues or questions they may have. This procedure will have to be restarted if you do not follow up with the applicant.

Improve Your Internal Recruitment Stages

These are the most important phases in every company’s recruiting process. However, some recruiters still struggle with other stages.