Maintaining the ever-changing employment climate is a major problem when attracting and keeping employees. Reductions in force, which have been discussed in light of recent economic downturns, are starting to materialize. Even with all the recent layoffs and changes in recruiting policies, competition for talent in the tech sector is fierce. Therefore, knowing what information prospective IT employees demand most about their potential companies is crucial.
You may improve your team’s hiring strategy and make candidates fall in love with your company by following these steps:
1. Hire people with varied skill sets and cross-train
In the wake of the Great Resignation earlier this year, numerous industries, including the IT sector, had trouble filling available jobs. And now, with the economy slowing, talent teams may have an opportunity to be more deliberate in building talent pipelines.
If a digital company wants to maintain its adaptability, its recruiting staff must push for a more diverse pool of applicants. Opportunities to cross-train personnel increase when workers bring a wide range of abilities.
According to the 2021 Harvey Nash Group Digital Leadership Report, 56% of IT executives expect to cross-train existing personnel to satisfy their skills demands. Companies can save money on training new personnel, and people can get experience in a new field without having to start from scratch. Since “role” and “career recommendations” are the two most important categories about which tech applicants want to be informed, incorporating these subjects into various stages of the recruitment life cycle (email, career site content, job descriptions, targeted advertisements) is a terrific approach to be transparent and show tech prospects that your business values them.
2. Use qualifying skills exams in tech recruiting
Even if a candidate has stellar credentials on paper and shines in your interview, it doesn’t guarantee they’ll be fantastic hiring. In light of this, more and more HR professionals in the IT industry are considering replacing the traditional hiring process with a series of technical exams. In the early stages of the hiring process, potential employees are put through a battery of tests designed to gauge how well they will perform in the role regarding the use of certain software and hardware. These assessments may not be objective, but they do help recruiters analyze candidates’ talents more thoroughly. Combined with interviews, they can give a more well-rounded approach to hiring.
3. Invest more in recruiting developers
According to the CodinGame & CoderPad 2022 Global Tech Recruiting Survey, 53% of recruiters reported increasing their developer hiring budget in 2022. Recruiters have reported feeling pressure to increase compensation in order to compete with other IT businesses. Significant organizations are increasing their spending on talent acquisition teams as they hire many developers.
4. Invest in hybrid settings for tech recruiting
Much like it did for other sectors, the pandemic showed IT businesses that hybrid and remote working arrangements could function significantly over the long run. This is a major selling point for recruiters in a competitive job market where candidates are looking for greater freedom in their schedules. Tech organizations willing to hire remote workers might broaden their candidate pool by looking further afield. Additionally, adopting hybrid roles inspires employees (most American workers would take a wage reduction if it meant they could work from home) and saves businesses money by reducing overhead.
5 – Increase Diversity in Your Hiring Process
According to a recent poll, 65 percent of HR professionals consider hiring prejudice a problem when filling IT positions. Employers benefit from increased creativity, productivity, and profit when they employ a more varied pool of candidates. Tech businesses are instituting anti-harassment rules, sourcing applicants from underrepresented groups, and increasing pay parity for women to increase diversity in their hiring processes. To further combat discrimination, businesses might opt for “anonymous” applications, in which applicants’ names, schools attended, and addresses are withheld to prevent presumptions about the applicants’ gender, race, and other protected characteristics.