What Slows Down the Recruiting Process?

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Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash

The amount of time it takes an organization to find new employees may be affected by several different variables. A bad job description will cause a lack of candidates for certain positions. At the same time, a lack of recruiting resources or too many extra procedures may cause a lack of applicants for others. Several issues may slow the recruiting process, so let’s take a deeper look at some of the most prevalent ones and how to fix them.

1. A poorly written job description

It would help if you had a clear picture of your ideal hire in mind before you can write an effective job description. If you’re not sure, that uncertainty will leak into the wording of your job posting, either turning off qualified applicants or encouraging those who aren’t a good fit to apply. These two results may significantly stymie a company’s ability to hire new employees. Before you begin writing, think about the following:

Who would be your perfect candidate, and why? In other words, please describe this person’s appearance (consider their skills, experience, career path, etc.)

What are the barriers to entry that may be discouraging qualified applicants from applying? For example, do you have excessively high educational requirements that may not be crucial to the role’s success? If so, erase them.

Hard and soft abilities essential for work success – consider what technical and soft talents would be most advantageous to the position and firm.

How to make it short and to the point – a job description can cover some details. Include what is important and educate your applicants about your organization.

2. Not enough resources to keep the process running

A recurrent challenge is a requirement for greater recruiting resources. Unfortunately, it takes a great deal of time and effort to evaluate job applicants via activities including reviewing applications, conducting interviews, and assessing skills. When left in the hands of a small team, it’s likely to slow the process. Realistically, there are only two viable approaches to fight this issue:

Hire extra recruiting resources

Create a technologically enhanced, more streamlined method of hiring (i.e., implement AI to help automate many of the manual tasks)

3. Too many interview rounds

When it comes to the recruiting process, there are generally numerous persons participating in the process. Initially, the recruiter or recruiting manager would likely review resumes and assess prospects to generate a shortlist. From here, the recruiting manager may conduct an initial interview to understand their suitability. Once there’s trust in the chosen individuals, many businesses may put applicants through many interview rounds to evaluate their competencies depending on stakeholders’ varied areas of interest. While this could make sense internally, it generates a bad applicant experience and slows the recruiting process.

The solution? Opt for a systematic interview procedure and gather all the stakeholders’ questions into one interview.

4. Using antiquated ways to screen and evaluate prospects

Okay, let’s be real here: The tried-and-true hiring method that we’ve always used has had its day in the sun, but it won’t make it in today’s competitive business environment. Traditionally, firms would publish job advertising (often based on presumed expertise and education requirements) and manually screen applicants to select those they considered, off face value, were most appropriate for the next round. Hiring managers would then interview candidates (sometimes by an unstructured interview method) before moving them to additional rounds of interviews or giving them the job.

Once useful, this method is now outpaced by more modern ones that help businesses find and hire the best candidates with more precision, efficiency, and scalability.

Whether resources are minimal or plenty, the conventional recruiting strategy can add needless delay to your employment process.

How can you shorten your recruiting process?

Several minor things you may do to assist shorten your recruiting process (including those above). Despite this, there’s only one comprehensive answer that can assist in simplifying the whole thing without sacrificing quality, regardless of the size of your team, the size of your candidate pool, or the number of individuals you’re aiming to recruit.

A job-related simulation is a recruitment exam that matches the duties and tasks that a person would undertake in the position. Online job simulation evaluations enable a recruiting team to examine the degree to which an applicant is prepared to take on the position in the issue.

The aim is to provide the interviewer with more information about the candidate’s qualifications than they might get from a cover letter or CV. In a job market where resumes are untrustworthy, job simulations equal the playing field for all applicants.

Final thoughts

The need for top-tier talent is undeniable. With skills shortages developing in every corner of the world, it’s created a much-needed opportunity for firms to assess how and where their recruiting procedures may contribute to their failure to find qualified applicants.

Several issues, including unclear job postings and time-consuming, conventional recruiting techniques, impact a company’s ability to swiftly employ the best individuals. Yet, studies have shown that streamlining your job recruiting process may assist cut the hiring period by up to 60%.